Robi 5 mb pack ইন্টারনেট ব্যালেন্স চেক করতে sent Robi mb data packs. Robi has brought a super SMS Pack for its users. You need to dial * 123 * 54 # to buy the package. Moreover, this offer remains valid for 30 days. To check robi Bundle & Voice Packs dail *888#. Continue. Firstly the sim registered & connect your Robi sim with your mobile . Robi 3 GB special deal offer for 24 hours price is only 38 taka. রবি Categories Robi Tags robi mb check, robi mb check code, robi mb offer check code, robi mb offer code, robi mb pack 7 Comments. Robi 400MB IMO Pack (রবি ৪০০ এমবি ইমু প্যাক) Robi has published one new Low cost 400 MB IMO Pack. You can easly gift mb pack from your 2 Robi Balance Check (রবি ব্যালেন্স চেক) 3 Robi Minute Check (রবি মিনিট চেক) 4 Robi MB Check Code (রবি এমবি চেক কোড) 5 Robi Number Check Code (রবি নাম্বার চেক কোড) 6 Robi SMS Pack (রবি এসএমএস প্যাক) Robi imo pack 30 days code. This pack, priced at BDT 148, gives you 5GB of 4G data, 300 MB (With Bonus) Data Pack. Use time 12am to 12pm. Log In. However, if you want to purchase Robi 350 MB code for getting this package, you will follow the below chart. Voice. 2 Robi Social Pack 350 MB Code; 3. Robi internet balance check. If you want to know about the 3-days MB offer, you can check out the below steps for getting your desire package. Robi For those Robi customers who are looking for a Robi MB offer, the purpose of this post is basically to us. 0 Min 20 Mins 100 Mins 500 Mins 1000 Mins. Robi bundle offer 2025. Robi also provides different minute purchase codes and internet purchase codes for customers. 5 GB Bundle Offer: Nowadays, Robi users can get 80 minutes, 50 SMS, and 1. ROBI 30 TK IMO Offer. Robi is offering 100 SMS + 20 MB Any Net at 5 Tk Robi Message Pack. Robi provides an excellent offer that is 1GB for 30 Tk. Are you eligible or not for the Robi Closed Sim Offer? To check this , there are many methods. Explore Robi's internet packages for the best deals & unbeatable connectivity. Robi Package List 2025. Robi MB pack code-অনেক রবি সিম ব্যবহার করে সহজেই ইন্টারনেট অফার জন্য রবি এমবি প্যাকেজ কোড খুঁজে থাকেন। সেই সকল রবি ইন্টারনেট অফার কোড নিচে robi mb pack. The activation code is *123*200#. Video call robi sim best offer 2023 রবি সিমে ইন্টারনেট অফার ২০২৩Robi top 5 best internet offer 2024 | Robi low price mb offer | Robi mb offer 202৩সকল 3. You can take the offer if you want. Then dial *140*27# to active 5GB offer. < Robi Pack > . Validity is 6 hours. This SMS Pack can get only 5 Taka. Robi 3 GB Internet for 38 Taka. To check the offer dial * 123 * 3 * 5 #. So, enjoy the super internet offer with Robi. At just BDT 29, this pack offers budget-friendly data for a week, perfect for basic internet needs like messaging apps, emails, Robi SMS Pack 30 Days. Robi Minute Pack 30 Days. People use 200 MB pack for short use. 5 GB Validity 24 hours @BDT 38. Robi 53 Taka Recharge Offer. So, without talking more, let’s get started the most updated code. 1. 200 MB offer details. 9 Robi 500 Minute Offer AT 307 TK; 3. সাঙ্গু পেরাবন page · February 1, 2020 · Robi mb data packs The Robi Ghechang store recharge system changed recently. Also Read: Robi call rate offer 2025. . Robi lunched this 3 GB internet offer on June 2024. Robi Bondho Sim Offer Check Code. Lots of Robi Data Packs are here for you, such as the Robi Daily Internet Offer, Robi Internet Offer 3 Days, Robi Internet Offer 7 Days, and Robi Internet Offer 30 Days. Education Software; Video Streaming; OTT Subscription; Blog post; Login / Register Sign in Create an Account. Dial the code *123*200# and get 200 MB for 1 day. To get Robi 38taka for 3 GB internet recharge 38 taka or use My Robi App. We described the details in the first given table. Robi 4 Hours Minute Pack. 400 MB at 25 Taka (Only imo) Pack volume: 400 MB: Price: 25 Taka: Platform: Imo: রবি সিমের এমবি প্যাক কিনুন | How To Buy Robi MB Pack | #robimb 512. 12. The New Robi charge system is *888#. So, all Robi users can get this offer anytime. 5 GB offer. Premium Data GB/Day. You can get 5 minutes from this offer. Categories Robi Tags how to purchase robi minute, Robi 1 day minute pack, robi 15 day minute pack, robi 30 day minute pack, robi 5 day minute pack, robi 7 day minute pack, robi minute & mb offer, robi minute bundle, robi minute bundle code, robi minute buy code, robi minute dial code, robi minute kenar code, robi minute loan, robi minute pack code, কিভাবে রবি মিনিট রবি সিমে কিভাবে ইমারজেন্সি এমবি লোন নিবেন এই ভিডিওর মাধ্যমে শিখতে রবি সিমে এমবি কেনার নিয়ম l How to Buy Robi Internet Pack | Robi Internet pack 2024 l রবি এমবি অফার,রবি সিমে . However, if you do not see your minutes using this Robi minute check code, * Airtel MB pack * * →25 GB_28Day * →30 GB_28Day Offer 09-04-2022 Robi Gift MB Pack : 30GB = 345 TAKA 15GB = 235 TAKA Minute : 150Minute = 90 Tk 200 Minute = 115 Tk 300 Minute = 170Tk 350 Minute = 205 রবি সিমের এমবি প্যাক কিনুন | How To Buy Robi MB Pack |_____DISCLAIMER: This Channel Does Not Promote Any illegal content, all contents Dear friends, are you trying to seek out Robi Internet Offer 2021? If so, here is all the knowledge related to Robi Internet Offer 2021. Stay connected with the fastest & most reliable network in town! Robi has launched New Robi Internet Offer. To check the offer, dial * 123 * 3 * 5 # or * 3 # or * 8444 * 88 < Robi Mb Pack > . It is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad of Malaysia, Roam booster pack_500mb_129: 1 Day: 500 MB: BDT129: BDT 179 *121*8*2*13# Roam booster pack_1GB_399: 1 Day: 1 512. Robi 10GB Tk 100 for 30 DAYS updated version is Robi Mega Internet Offer ♥ Robi Mb Pack ♥ . 5G with Robi and enjoy higher internet speed & smooth streaming. Enjoy Total 0. This super SMS Pack is Robi SMS Pack 5 TK. Robi Minute Pack 7 Days. 1 Robi Internet Offer Check Code | Robi MB Offer (রবি ইন্টারনেট অফার চেক কোড । রবি এমবি অফার); 2 Robi Internet Package 30 Days (রবি ইন্টারনেট প্যাকেজ ৩০ দিন); 3 Robi Internet Offer 1GB 15 TK (রবি ইন্টারনেট অফার ১ জিবি ১৫ Robi Social Pack 350 MB Code. be/-_kBJuf90og2 robi all WhatsApp pack :https://youtu. The easiest way to purchase a GP MB Pack Robi MB Offer 2025. From here you can know all the MB offers of Robi SIM. Robi 5 TK SMS Pack 2025. Payment method. Both Prepaid and Postpaid subscribers can purchase data packs by Recharge/dialing the USSD code/My Robi App; Pack ID: RBD250285C Robi mb pack gift system- Hello friends, In this video I will show you robi to robi mb/internet gift system 2024. Founder Admin. Robi মাত্র 36 টাকাতে 500 এমবি + Bonus 50 Mb -ডাটা: 500 MB -টাকা: 36. Besides, the offer’s price includes VAT, SD and service charges in this offer. the lowest priced data packages are provided here. My Pack. 1 Robi Minute Offer Check Code (রবি মিনিট অফার চেক কোড); 2 Robi Minute Offer Codes / Offer List (রবি মিনিট অফার কোড/ লিস্ট); 3 Robi Postpaid Minute Offer (রবি পোস্টপেইড মিনিট অফার); 4 Robi Minute Pack 30 Days (রবি মিনিট প্যাক ৩০ দিন) Robi 100 SMS Pack. Dial *123*3*5# to check the internet balance. One is 400 mb and other is 550 minutes+10GB internet combo pack. Dial the activation code *8666*5555# and get 100 SMS. They come for a short period of time. Robi MB pack code Discover Robi's exclusive Recharge Offer for internet packs. We discussed all the Robi Internet Packs below. Validity is 7 days. 5 Robi 104 Taka Recharge Offer; 3. Robi SMS Pack 5 Tk. Switch to Robi 4. Many internet users search on the internet for GP 1 GB offer 9 taka offer. Which will be valid for 30 days. So, if you are a Robi user, it is an Now you can get the Robi New Packages. Mobile Balance. For those Robi customers who are looking for a Robi MB offer, the purpose of this post is basically to us. It is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad of Malaysia, Roam booster pack_500mb_129: 1 Day: 500 MB: BDT129: BDT 179 *121*8*2*13# Roam booster pack_1GB_399: 1 Day: 1 Robi mb pack gift system- Hello friends, In this video I will show you robi to robi mb/internet gift system 2022. These packs are applicable for online purchasing via mobile balance only. Meanwhile, the offer is valid for Robi sim best offer 2025 | রবি সিমে ইন্টারনেট অফার 2025 | Robi mb offer 2025 | Robi mb kinbo kevaba রেফার বোনাশ নিন . 8 Robi 300 Minute Offer AT 207 TK; 3. Recharge 43 Taka in your account balance. Robi Social If you’d like this pack then dial *123*3*5#. Robi Internet Packs Code 2024 3. About My Robi - Offers, Usage, More 7. com; About Writers. Now we discuss how to Check Robi Bondho Sim Offer? Type: A space Robi No, send to 8050 (free SMS). Robi: Get 5GB of Data at a Great Price! this is a Robi monthly family internet pack and is the best offer for you. GP IMO Pack 2025. 53 Tk -মেয়াদ: 2 Day -পেতে: *123*50030# . 11 Robi minute offer check code | রবি মিনিট অফার চেক; 1. They always provide exclusive package offers for their customer. Robi 1. Robi has brought its latest Robi Internet Offer 30 Days. Dial on your mobile phone *3# to check the Robi net balance. সকল রবি গ্রাহক যারা প্যাক কিনে. Thanks For watching💚🥀#robi #mrh_update_tips #Robi_kom_takay This time a 5 TK SMS Pack is trending among prepaid users of Robi. 5 GB Validity 24 hours) @BDT 28. Name: Shaikh Mainul Islam; WhatsApp: 01772778058; Email: mainuldk17@gmail. Contents. Let’s take a closer look. 14 How can I buy a Robi minute pack? 1. Robi Minute Offer Packs. Robi 1400 SMS Pack Robi Axiata Limited, DBA Robi, is the second largest mobile network operator in Bangladesh. Validity. Robi Axiata Limited, DBA Robi, is the second largest mobile network operator in Bangladesh. Robi mobile operator has many packages, namely by Recharge Internet package, Social Internet package, Bundle package, Minutes package, SMS package, etc. According to this rule, the data package is published here We have Robi internet offer. এই অফারের আওতায় আপনি পাবেন প্রতিদিন সকাল ৭টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৭টা পর্যন্ত ৭ জিবি রবি মাএ 40 টাকাতে 175 এমবি pack -ডাটা :175 Mb -টাকা :40. Password * Required. Only valid for 7 days. be/8WlKxbxkOQU3 Robi sim whatsapp offer : https://youtu. Basically, it is occasional. This 3. You can buy this pack every day. 7 Robi 199 Taka Recharge Offer – Robi 199 tk minute offer; 3. Or. The new Robi MB offer has been released on 30th April 2025. 200 MB pack is very popular to users. Both prepaid and Postpaid subscribers can purchase data packs by dialing the USSD code. Robi 14 Taka Minute Offer If you need a large amount of data in 3 days you can use this GP pack. Step 1: You need to go to this link. 5 How can I get 1 GB at 9 Taka in Robi? 3. BDT 38 including VAT, SD & SC. Likewise, you can avail this Combo SMS offer pack by recharging 5 Taka only. Validity: 5 Days. 0 Robi imo Pack 1GB 28Days 55Tk Dial *123*056# Robi imo Pack 400MB 28Days 25Tk Dial *123*56# To check Balance status dial *3# Robi gives the best Imo Video Calling Experience in Bangladesh Enjoy buffer free HD video calling in Imo with the #1 4. Robi Minute Check Code BD is * 222 * 2 #. Robi 350MB IMO Pack at Tk 19. Dial *123*2*7*1# to activate Robi 5 TK SMS Pack. আপনি এখন মাত্র ৯৯ টাকাতে পাবেন ৭ জিবি ১ সপ্তাহের জন্য। . Regular packages stay for a long time. ly/myrobi1; To check internet balance dial *3#. Meanwhile, to get this Robi Bundle Offer prepaid, dial *0*10. Lastly, to activate the offer dial, *123*6*5*4#. This is Robi IMO pack 30 days code. 1 Day 3 Days 7 Days 15 Days 30 Days. 8 Like this: রবি সিমে কিভাবে কম টাকা বেশি এমবি কেনে | Robi Sim Best Internet pack 2025 | Robi MB pack | Robi mb#sheikforid#robiinternetpack# Robi 3 Days MB Offer Pack. There are 3 different types of daily pack available. be/8WlK Customer can purchase this pack through any (BDT 108) Recharge, bKash, Nagad, Upay, Rocket, TAP or by Dialing (*4*108#), or through My Robi App, visit cutt. For instance, আপনি জিপি নতুন সিম ব্যাবহার কারী হন তবে GP MB Offer থেকে gp 1gb offer 17 tk Now it’s time to take a look at those combo packs of Robi that are valid for 15 days (half a month) and give the subscriber maximum incentives at a reasonable price. 5 GB internet offer at only 159 Tk. MDParvez. Robi is also the first provider of 4. 6 How can I buy a Robi MB pack? 3. 400 MB IMO Pack: 28 Days: ৳ 25: Dial *123*56# 500 MB: 30 Days: ৳ 33: Dial *123*31# 750 MB: 14 Days: ৳ 74: Dial *123*0074# 800 MB (600 MB+ Contents. 11 Robi 398 Taka Bundle offer; 3. Home / google / News / Technology / Robi MB pack code. It has a validity of 28 days. 12 Robi 1000 Minute Bundle; 4 Robi bundle offer 30 days 2024. . 22 টাকা -মেয়াদ : 10 দিন -পেতে : *8444*0175# - ভালো লাগলে Thanks লিখুন। Robi is one of the renowned mobile operators privately owned in Bangladesh. Robi offers only some 2 monthly packs right now. Dial the activation code *8666*002#. 50. in this video i we'll show you robi sim best fb pack buy 250 mb only 250 taka valid till 3 days. Robi 500 minute offer price 245 taka with discount; Robi 500 minute offer code is *222*8# complete your order and Dial this code; SHOW MORE Robi monthly MB offer 30 GB internet offer for 30 Days Robi Internet Package: Now you are looking at Robi internet package 2021 They added some new rules and cancelled some. There are also 3 types of 100 SMS Pack available, you can send to any network. Education Software; Video Streaming; OTT Subscription; Blog post; Login / Register robi 10 GB internet packages at low price for monthly MB offer. Only prepaid Robi Subscribers can purchase data packs by recharge. 0 MB. For instance, IMO Pack 250 MB. I have presented all Get 200 MB at 8 Taka. Only recharge 53 Taka. How to buy GP 69 TK 3. You can buy this offer for 1 day. 3. 13 All About Robi Minute ; 1. Let me explain. Recently Robi has brought low price SMS Pack for its Robi, one of the top telecom companies in Bangladesh, 5 GB (With Bonus) Data Pack. 0 Min. Both Prepaid and Postpaid subscribers can purchase data packs by Recharge/dialing the USSD code/My Robi App; Pack ID: RBD230256C Tuesday, August 16, 2022. If you need 200 MB pack, check below to get: 200 MB; Price 17 BDT; Validity 3 days; to get this pack, click here; For detailed package offer, check here – Robi internet package Robi sim best offer 2025 | রবি সিমে ইন্টারনেট অফার 2025 | Robi mb offer 2025 | Robi mb kinbo kevabaরেফার বোনাশ নিন রবি ১০০ এমবি ইমু প্যাক (Robi 100 MB IMO Pack) রবি ১০০ এমবি ইমু এবং ফেসবুক প্যাক মূল্য ১০ টাকা। আপনি যদি কিনতে চান তাহলে ডায়াল করুন *123*0010# । প্যাকটির মেয়াদ ৩ দিন। Offer validation 5 days; Customer can buy this pack per month once. 5G network of the country- endorsed by Imo! The most popular video calling app is best experienced in Robi. Furthermore, this is a Robi Bundle Offer 30 days pack. There is no problem if you want this pack as Robi IMO pack 30 tk. 15 How can I Robi MB pack code-অনেক রবি সিম ব্যবহার করে সহজেই ইন্টারনেট অফার জন্য রবি এমবি প্যাকেজ কোড খুঁজে থাকেন। সেই সকল রবি ইন্টারনেট অফার কোড নিচে আলোচনা করা হলো। বেশি You can enjoys this offer when you registered your sim . This is also a recharge based pack. And the special offer internet packs of Robi are not permanent. To get this minute bundle dial the activation code *8666*055#. 7 Share this: 3. Enjoy high-speed connectivity and uninterrupted browsing experience. Robi mb data packs. You can use Robi apps just login to the dashboard to show internet minutes and other all GP MB Offer 2024 Gp 1gb offer. This Robi IMO Pack 2025 like IMO Offer price is only 25 Taka and Validity 28 Days. The price is 18. Step 2: Now you can see so many 3-days offer. It is known as the second-largest telecommunication operator in the country of. 1 GB + 30 Minutes for 138 BDT; 2 GB + 30 Minutes for 154 Categories Robi Tags how to purchase robi minute, Robi 1 day minute pack, robi 15 day minute pack, robi 30 day minute pack, robi 5 day minute pack, robi 7 day minute pack, robi minute & mb offer, robi minute bundle, robi minute bundle code, robi minute buy code, robi minute dial code, robi minute kenar code, robi minute loan, robi minute pack code, কিভাবে রবি মিনিট 1. ভালো লাগলে Thanks লিখুন . 0 MB / day. Robi 64 Taka Recharge Package Robi has many customers who are offering more social packs. Robi 12 Minute Pack. Robi always provides its high-speed user internet with 4. Robi 43 Taka Recharge Pack. You can use these SMS Robi to Robi networks. You can get 80 minutes from this offer. All Prepaid customers can purchase all of the above combo packs. Recharge now! 1 robi 5 internet offer : https://youtu. Read all the information to get more internet offers. you will get all Robi internet packages from this website. Choose one option from below. BDT 28 including VAT, SD & SC. 31 Taka. 5G network service. How can I buy Robi SMS from any operator? Dial * 123 * 6 * 5 * 6 # to purchase 200 SMS packs for sending SMS from Robi to any other operator. Now you can buy Robi 1 GB Pack, Robi 2 GB Pack, Robi 6 GB Data Pack, and more packages. The activation code is *123*56#, and you have to use this pack within 28 days. 5 G service. Internet. Many users of Robi are always searching for a cheap SMS Pack. Experience #1 4. 5G and get exclusive Robi mb offer. এই অফারের আওতায় আপনি পাবেন প্রতিদিন সকাল ৭টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৭টা পর্যন্ত ৭ জিবি 5. Also Read: জিপি মিনিট অফার 2024 How to Check Your Robi Data, MB, and Minutes– Keeping track of your Robi data, MB, and minutes is super easy! Here’s a breakdown of how you can check your Robi resources: * **Combo Packs (Data + Minutes + SMS):** * `*121#` (This code can provide information about your combo pack balance) My Pack-Make your own plan. To avail of the offer you need to dial * 8444 * 500 #. Robi is 2nd leading telecommunication company in Bangladesh. 3 Days: Buy Now: 200 MB & 15 Robi sim Mb Pack 2024 Robi mb offer 2024 | robi internet buy 2024রেফার বোনাশ নিন এখনি লিঙ্ক থেকে ডাউনলোড করে https: 5 MB Data only @ BDT6 Activation code *8444*55# DATA & MMS BUNDLE OFFER Target Base :All Robi Pre-paid Subscribers 42 MB & 42 MMS BDT 18. Below is the total price with the activation code for all receivable data packages. Expiry is 7 days. Robi has come up with a 2 GB package for heavy internet users. The main reason for the trend of the SMS (message) package is its cheap price and the massive amount of messages given to subscribers. Robi 350 MB is a monthly package that uses only facebook and whatsapp to get all of the facilities. 4. Validity : 24 Hours. 04 Taka. You can easly gift mb pack from your robi s Today I am discussing the Robi MB chake and validity check and how to see Robi MB and validity chake. Today we will talk about the regular Robi 400 MB IMO Pack: 25 Tk. ~Imran_Khan - Balance Visibility in Pack Details: Now you can make an informed decision while buying packs. 100 SMS + 20 MB 5 Tk. Internet Pack: Price taka: Active Code: Validity: 100 MB (FB & IMO) 10 taka *123*0010# 3 days: 100 MB FB + 100 MB IMO) 19 taka *123*019# 3 days: 250 MB: 46 taka *123*110# 28 days: 350 MB (IMO) 20 taka Ans-5: Yes, Robi Internet Offers are available for both prepaid and postpaid users, Robi to Robi SMS Pack check code is * 222 * 10 # and if you have purchased SMS for Robi to other operators use Robi SMS check code * 222 * 20 #. _____pবাংলাTech420_____#রবি_সিমে_5 টাকায়_100_MB#How_to_robi_MB_Pack#robi_MB_Pa Robi 10 GB offer at low price best Robi 10 gb internet pack. You can also buy an IMO pack Robi 250 MB for Tk. Robi new offer check code is *888#. After expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack maximum PPU (Pay Per Use) charge will be 5 Taka+VAT, SD & SC Here on this page, we are talking about the Robi All Internet Package (Robi New Data Offer). 5 GB pack GP provides 3GB of regular data and 500 MB extra. 10 Robi 324 Tk Recharge offer; 3. 1 In conclusion, 3. The validity of this SMS Offer is 2 days. 12 In conclution, 1. There are many Robi sim users in Bangladesh. 5. You can buy 350 MB. The pack price is 3. The pack price is 5 tk and Validity 15 days. 10 রবি সিমে মিনিট কিনে কি দিয়ে; 1. Robi is offering you 500 MB social pack for them. Username or email address * Required. 4 What is the Robi social pack? 3. You can simply see the MB. Now you can get 12 minutes just in 4. You can pick up an internet offer easily among them. Robi IMO Pack 2025. 6 Robi minute pack 30 days; 3. For scratch card, online recharge is not applicable. But, it’s not a regular GP pack. 28 Days: Buy Now: 200 MB + 15 Minutes: 34 Tk. As you know Robi Axiata Limited is the second largest mobile network provider in Bangladesh. You can also purchase Robi All Rounder Pack. WhatsApp: +8801878507054. Drag to customize value. Step 3: Choose your desire package and click buy button. 1 Robi 5 4. 0 MB 1 GB 2 GB 8 GB 15 GB 30 GB 40 GB 55 GB 100 GB. Robi latest offer – 33 GB Internet every month for the next six months. This SMS bucket will give you 200 SMS for 30 days at fix price of 5 Taka. 1 Day. 2. Enter mobile number. Offer validation 24 hours Robi internet pack | রবি ইন্টারনেট প্যাকেজ | Robi mb pack | রবি এমবি প্যাক | Robi internet packHow to buy Robi mb pack,রবি Categories Robi Tags how to purchase robi minute, Robi 1 day minute pack, robi 15 day minute pack, robi 30 day minute pack, robi 5 day minute pack, robi 7 day minute pack, robi minute & mb offer, robi minute bundle, robi minute bundle code, robi minute buy code, robi minute dial code, robi minute kenar code, robi minute loan, robi minute pack code, কিভাবে রবি মিনিট Robi 2GB IMO Pack Code. 26 Taka. Get this pack and enjoy the whole day with Robi internet. If you want to buy Robi internet package with the most updated data, surely you can apply any codes without any issue. 3 Robi 800 MB Social Pack; 3. 40 (including VAT) Activation Code *8555*42# Bundle Free MMS offer with small Data pack (New) : Buy 1 MB Data & get 1 MMS free,Tk2+VAT, dial *8444*14#, 1 Day Validity Buy 10 MB Data & get 10 MMS free Robi 500 minute offer 30 Day, monthly minutes pack at lowest prices. 9 Robi minute bundle offer মিনিট , SMS , MB ( EXTRA UPDATE ) 1. validity 28 days. সাঙ্গু পেরাবন page · February 1, 2020 · February 1, 2020 · If you have already purchased a Robi Minte Pack then you will need to use Robi Minte Check Code BD. 1 GB Facebook & WhatsApp pack: 30 Days: 50 TK: 400 MB Robi All Internet Data Packs list. 5. Mostly when they need internet emergency, they take lower MB packs. 00 MB. Robi MB Offer. You can also dial *8050#, then follow the instructions; By Robi Social Pack 2021 was launched by Robi in 2016, Robi MB check by dial *3# on your mobile phone. 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